Pre trigger length can't be negative, please enter 0 or a positive number for pre trigger length
Post trigger length can't be negative, please enter 0 or a positive number for post trigger length
Please enter a valid trigger condition, please check the spelling of functions and make sure the expression is not empty
Invalid pacing instruction, valid pacing interva in SEC is 0.1 to 9.9 if lower than 10, 10 to 6000 if higher
The expressions is invalid, please double check the expression, especially extra number after CH, such as CH10 when you really mean CH1
Failed to allocate the memory to store the trigger, please lower the pre- and/or post- trigger length and try again, ExcelLink allocates a circular buffer to hold all data in slope trigger mode, if such buffer is too big to fit in the memory, you will see this error
Row number out of range, the minimum row number is -32768 when using manual trigger to retrieve data back in time when Capture button is pushed
Failed send data to Excel, check if the active Excel work sheet is closed accidentally, or you are reaching the max allowed row of worksheet. We don't put a hard limit to the max row to allow Microsoft to improve Excel any time it wishes
Failed to retrieve data requested, what you would like to retrieve from WinDaq exceeds its buffer size, please lower the row number
Can't access WinDaq, see if WinDaq is working anymore
Microsoft Excel is not accessible, check if the active Excel book is closed accidentally
Run-time error '-2147417848(80010108)', this is caused by closing Excel while ExcelLink still have an active automation link to it, when ExcelLink tries to add more data to the sheet, it realizes the automation is broken. Please stop ExcelLink before closing Excel
Missing channel info header on Excel book, this is due to the slower start of Excel on your PC. To work around it, start Excel first before invoking ExcelLink, or use NotePad to open TriggerExcelLink.ini and modify ExcelBookDelay=1 to ExcelBookDelay=5, this will force ExcelLink to wait 5 seconds before adding the header to the book.
Run-time error '6' Overflow, this is due to some internal error in ExcelLink, please download and install the latest ExcelLink to see if it is already fixed. If not, please submit a support ticket with details on how to replicate this finding
Failed to resister mtparsercom.dll, this problem is fixed, please download and install ExcelLink again
WinDaq Unlock key is needed to use more than 4 channels, for devices with only 4 channels unlocked, you will see this error message if you want to use more than 4 channels. Unlock the device to increase channel counts
WinDaq ChannelStrech license is needed to use more than one device, if some of the devices without ChannelStretch feature unlocked, you will see this error message if you want to use channels across instruments. Unlock the ChannelStretch feature on all devices to use channel expansion.
Your PC is too slow for the operation, please lower WinDaq sample rate During ExcelLink operation, every data point is examed when evaluating the trigger expression, so the PC may run out of gas under certain conditions. Multiple factors define how fast WinDaq ExcelLink can run. These factors include the PC's CPU numbers, CPU architecture, CPU clock speed, PC's internal memory (RAM) size, Window's version, and Excel's version. Other important factors are WinDaq configuration, total channel count of WinDaq, display format of WinDaq, and complexity of the trigger expression. For example, with WinDaq configured for 160Ks/s, 8 channels enabled, and the trigger experession is CH1>1 for slope trigger, the following PC configurations has different results:
The work station with plenty memory works perfectly fine at 160K s/s WinDaq throughput rate
with Excel 365
The old faithful XP with Excel 2000 works fine at 160K s/s WinDaq througthput rate, but it has other limitation arised from Excel 2000
Powerful CPU but limited RAM, it can't reach its full potential
with Excel 365
Even with plenty memory, this class of AMD
can't reach 80 K s/s with Excel 365, but it has no problem to reach 160K s/s at manual trigger mode ("multiple row" option) since there is no need to evaluate trigger experssion when WinDaq is minimized to reduce its load
Further, if Event Trigger is used, the frequency of events will be a major factor in performance. For the PC that can send data at 160K data to Excel in Slope trigger mentioned above, there is NO WAY the same PC can send same data rate in event trigger mode, because in the Slope trigger mode, data is sent to Excel in block mode, while in the Event trigger mode, data is sent to Excel one line at a time. For example, if we use digital channel trigger, to send one line of data to Excel when the counter increments, if we run the counter channel at 5K rate, 5K individual lines needs to sent to Excel per second, Excel engine simply can't take so many calls for line inputs.
Where to find the configuration file of ExcelLink? If you need to modify configuration manually or send us the configuration file to duplicate a finding, depending on your Windows version, please look in the folder C:\windows or C:\Users\...\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Windows, and locate the file TriggerExcelLink.ini
Where can I find the key on my instruments?
If you need to find out what features are unlocked on your instrument, you need to follow these steps and retrieve the key from your device and attach to a Support Ticket