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Single-Use Low Temperature Logger -80°C to +40°C (-112°F to +104°F).

  • -80°C to +40°C (-112°F to +104°F) measurement range
  • 8000 temperature readings.  Rated for a typical trip of 2 weeks at dry ice temperatures
  • Single-trip dry ice Temperature Logger
  • Needs USB Cradle to download and setup
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EL-USB-1 Data Logger


SRIL-8 Dry Ice “Probe-less” Temperature Logger operates, measures and stores up to 8000 temperature readings in temperature environments ranging from -80°C to +40°C (-112°F to +104°F). 

Intended for use in transit monitoring of articles stored in packaging incorporating dry ice cooling agents.

Using the LogTag® Interface and LogTag’s freely available companion software LogTag Analyzer, the LogTag® Dry Ice Temperature Logger is easily configured for recording conditions including delayed start, sampling interval, number of readings and configuration of conditions to activate the ALERT indicator.

The Red Alert indicator provides an immediate indication, without access to a PC, if any readings are outside the limits specified at the time the unit was configured.

Green OK indicator provides immediate visual confirmation, without access to a PC, that the unit is operating.

Readings are downloaded using LogTag Analyzer which provides facilities for charting, zooming, listing data statistics and allows exporting the data to other applications such as Excel.


LogTag Cradle


USB Craddle to retrieve data from loggers


USB Cradle to retrieve data from loggers

LogTag Wall Mount


USB Craddle to retrieve data from loggers


Wallmount to install LogTag loggers



Calibration Certificate

NIST Calibration Certificate


Two point (-20C and +40C) calibration for LogTag loggers. Please Note: Calibration certificates cannot be returned for a refund. These calibration certificates have a typical lead time of 1-2 weeks.

LogTag Analyzer

Configuration Software

LogTag® Analyzer 3 features configuration profiles, import/export of option settings, configuration and download logging and also allows configuration and download of USB loggers

Lascar EL-BT EasyLog Software

LogTag Xpress

Configuration Software

LogTag® Xpress is a sophisticated alternative to the powerful LogTag® Analyzer software. With a stripped-down feature set, LogTag® Xpress focuses on efficiently configuring and downloading the complete range of LogTag® data logging products, with as little user interaction as possible.

Lascar EL-BT EasyLog Software

LogTag Online

Management Software

LogTag Online is a Cloud-based online environmental management system providing alarm notifications, compliance, record storage and reporting functions.

Lascar EL-BT EasyLog Software


Measurement Range: -80°C to +40°C (-112°F to +104°F).
Accuracy (overall error):
Better than ±1°C (±1.8°F) for -30°C to +20°C (-22°F to +68°F).
Better than ±1.2°C (±2.1°F) for -45°C to -30°C (-49°F to -22°F) and +20°C to +40°C (+68°F to +104°F).
Better than ±1.7°C (±3.1°F) for -80°C to -45°C (-112°F to -49°F).
Recording Capacity:
8031 temperature readings. 53 days @ 10min logging, 80 days @ 15min logging.
Sample interval Configurable from 1 minute to several hours.
Battery Life Minimum storage life of 1 year before ‘start’ (if it is in hibernation mode)
Single use version rated for a typical trip of 2 weeks duration at dry ice temperatures.
Real Time Clock Rated accuracy ±25ppm @ 25°C (equivalent to 2.5 seconds/day).
Rated temperature coefficient is -0.034 ±0.006ppm/°C (I.e typically +/- 0.00294 seconds/day/°C).

